We Help B2B Service-Based Companies Add Additional 5+ Weekly Sales Appointments in 8 Weeks or Less...

…By Leveraging Offer Enhancement,  Email + LinkedIn, Communication Talent Pool and Artificial Intelligence.


Partnership Companies

By using our in-house developed “BEAST” (BDR Ecosystem to Amplify Sales Traction) our clients enjoy discovery calls with qualified prospects that transition into closed deals.

The Best Ecosystem to Amplify Sales Traction (“BEAST”)


Status Quo Analysis

At the beginning, we thoroughly review your current sales process (from Cold Audience to Closed Deal) and map out your existing processes.

Additionally, every software and SOP you already have will be fully analyzed for effectiveness and relevance.


BEAST Deployment

Accordingly to your existing processes and software, we will deploy the Lead Overload – BEAST (BDR Ecosystem to Amplify Sales Traction). Everything is completely done for you – no tech or operational headaches for you.

You will receive full ownership of this fully mapped out Ecosystem by us deploying it on your backend – yes, you fully own it, no matter what.


Performance Phase

 You will see the BEAST perform out of the gate – in the first month, we fully supply everything required to have the system running and producing high output results.


Baton Hand Over Phase

Once the system is fully ramped up and automated/deligated – we hand over the baton to you and operate in a supportive role as the R&D department and Tech Help to help you scale even further.

This step is an optional, as a significant amount of our clients prefer their campaigns being managed by our team and have the results on autopilot.



Our Guarantee

At Lead Overload, we understand how important your time is. You can’t afford wasting your time on unqualified calls. Therefore, we you will enjoy a guarantee, where you don’t pay for appointments that are not qualified. Due to the nature of our compensation structure, our incentives are fully in alignment for you to take qualified calls only. Want to hear more about it? Let’s chat!

Our Office

1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200 ,
Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

Contact Us

(936) 243-3619

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed